Throughout a woman’s career, she will likely experience one or more “BioDisruptions” that will impact her life, both personally and professionally.

We cannot predict the unique ways our biology will evolve over time, but we can benefit from sharing our experiences. During this one-hour webinar, WICT’s trusted partner Stone Lake Leadership will hold a discussion on several BioDisruptions common in a woman’s lifecycle, including challenges related to fertility, body image, cancer and menopause.

During the session, Stone Lake will make space to explore these unique issues and discuss how we can navigate the effects they have on our lives at work. Together we will explore how to gain support and handle challenges in the workplace caused by these life events.

We invite you to share your own experiences and perspectives as we delve into these important – but often avoided – topics.

Click here to register now!

  •  February 27, 2019
     11:00 am - 12:00 pm